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Collaborative CupsConquer the 3rd Quarter by using Roni's play-based approach!
Introducing our TPT StoreFind [re]Design(ing) resources on TPT for free!
Passion-Driven CurriculumDesign(ing) or [re]Design(ing) your curriculum? Take Jessi's advice on making a passion-driven curriculum.
Magazine Scavenger Hunt[re]Envision how to introduce college to students by using Jessi's magazine scavenger hunt.
Building CommunityNeed new activities to build your class community? Check out the notecard activity that Jessi uses.
Choice-based Art Education blended with STEMJessi shares the powerful impact of blending choice with STEM.
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Jessi Ruby and Roni Rohr explore relevant and cutting-edge art education topics, including social-emotional learning, play-based learning, S.T.E.A.M., arts integration, Teaching for Artistic Behavior (TAB) and choice-based learning.
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